Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Dååth > Dead on the Dancefloor

Karaoke k písni: Dead on the Dancefloor - Dååth

Text Písně - Dead on the Dancefloor - Dååth Text Písně - Dead on the Dancefloor - Dååth
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Videoklip k Písni - Dead on the Dancefloor - Dååth Videoklip k Písni - Dead on the Dancefloor - Dååth
Karaoke k Písni - Dead on the Dancefloor - Dååth Karaoke k Písni - Dead on the Dancefloor - Dååth

Feeling cold, dead inside
If I was a hypocrite, I'd find
If I was able to follow this straight line
I'd fall downwith hypocrites, I'd die!
Grounded to, grounded to my pride
Hatred spreads over me, plants seeds in my brain
Molests visions and laughs inside me
Berserk, my thoughs find no rest
(I'll Never) Press on
And my hell rages (on forever!)
Joined together
(Master and servant)
For lack of logic renders (the sides the same)
Dead on the dance floor
Spastic gyration
Dead on the dance floor
No one will miss you
Dead on the dance floor
Rythmic robotic pace
Dead on the dance floor
You shake or ass but your already dead
(No one cares)
Feeling cold, feeling dead inside
If I was a hypocrite, I'd find
If I was to follow this straight line
I'd fall down with hypocrites, I'd die!
Grounded to, grounded to my pride

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dååth:

Dååth - Blessed Through Misery
Dååth - The Hinderers
Dååth - The One
Dååth - Placenta
Dååth - Filter

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dååth:

Dååth - Sharpen the Blades
Dååth - Self Corruption Manifesto
Dååth - The Worthless
Dååth - The Unbinding Truth
Dååth - Silenced

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