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Karaoke k písni: She Wears My Ring - Elvis Presley

Text Písně - She Wears My Ring - Elvis Presley Text Písně - She Wears My Ring - Elvis Presley
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Videoklip k Písni - She Wears My Ring - Elvis Presley Videoklip k Písni - She Wears My Ring - Elvis Presley
Karaoke k Písni - She Wears My Ring - Elvis Presley Karaoke k Písni - She Wears My Ring - Elvis Presley

She wears my ring to show the world that she belongs to me
She wears my ring to show the world she's mine eternally
With loving care I placed it on her finger
To show my love for all the world to see

This tiny ring is a token of tender emotion
An endless pool of love that's as deep as the ocean
She swears to wear it with eternal devotion
That's why I sing, because she wears my ring

She swears to wear it with eternal devotion
That's why I sing, because she wears my ring

This tiny ring is a token of tender emotion
An endless pool of love that's as deep as the ocean
She swears to wear it with eternal devotion
That's why I sing, because she wears my ring
That's why I sing, because she wears my ring

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Elvis Presley - Harbor Lights
Elvis Presley - I Love You Because
Elvis Presley - That's All Right, Mama

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