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Karaoke k písni: Chaos Rising - Blood Red Throne

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Armoured invader
Superior machine
Crushing its oponents
Battlefield screams

A blaze in the sky
Roar of thunder
Flames of hunger
Devour the spirit of war

"only the dead will be ignored"

Machine gun fire
Penetrating, tissue ripped apart

"death will take us back for more"

Hiding in a pile of dead
Trying to escape the madness
Engine accelerate
Crushed into the dirt (earth)

Chaos rising
Approaching war
Among the living
Cruelty exceed

Gather the dead
As far as (I) the eye can see
Chaos rising
Battlefield screams

A blaze in the sky
Roar of thunder
Flames of hunger
Devour the spirit of war

Machine gun fire
Tissue ripped apart

Další písničky hudební skupiny Blood Red Throne:

Blood Red Throne - Prove Yourself Dead
Blood Red Throne - Gather The Dead
Blood Red Throne - Not Turgenjev But Close
Blood Red Throne - Ten Steps Of Purgatory
Blood Red Throne - Affiliated With The Suffering

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Blood Red Throne:

Blood Red Throne - The Light The Hate
Blood Red Throne - Harme
Blood Red Throne - Your Cold Flesh
Blood Red Throne - Human Fraud
Blood Red Throne - Demand

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