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Karaoke k písni: Malediction - Blood Red Throne

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Vision straight from hell
As it spread its wings before you
Malice shadows
Your infected soul
Assidious formula of sadistic blackness

Putrefaction from within
A fusion of black flesh and monstrosity

Putrefaction to come
As the pillar of life collapse
Extreme shockpulse of anguish
Rage the face of the earth
Distinct peril
Extermination of divine abomination

Severe seysures of blood craze
Until you havent humanity

Severe seysures of blood craze
Until you havent humanity

Black flesh, Malediction

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Blood Red Throne - Portrait Of A Killer
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Blood Red Throne - The Children Shall Endure
Blood Red Throne - Dream Contolled Murder

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Blood Red Throne:

Blood Red Throne - The Light The Hate
Blood Red Throne - Harme
Blood Red Throne - Your Cold Flesh
Blood Red Throne - Human Fraud
Blood Red Throne - Demand

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