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Hudební skupiny > T > The Ting Tings > We Started Nothing

Karaoke k písni: We Started Nothing - The Ting Tings

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Karaoke k Písni - We Started Nothing - The Ting Tings Karaoke k Písni - We Started Nothing - The Ting Tings

No one dropped of waiting in despair
Every time I go there's no one there
So tell me where's the soul, oh! where's the soul
Submit it's all locked up, so hard to loose control

I started nothing, I wish I didn't x4

Wait on a new gonna bet on 1 today
How it's only all of us, if and buts falling dead
Tell me where's the soul, oh! Where's the soul
If it's been a whole day it's time to let it go

I started nothing, I wish I didn't x4

Now, often we keep givin' in with what they say
We're too open when we're only shown 1 way
And with the offer open opportunity to do
To make a mighty step no insoles in my shoes

I started nothing I wish I didn't x4

Water's cold, ice is just a face skin deep
All you know, ice is just a face skin deep
Water's cold, ice is just a face skin deep
All you know, ice is just a face skin deep
Water's cold, ice is just a face skin deep
All you know, ice is just a face skin deep

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The Ting Tings - Shut up and let me go - Thing

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