Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 100 stupňů > Under The Lamp

Karaoke k písni: Under The Lamp - 100 stupňů

Text Písně - Under The Lamp - 100 stupňů Text Písně - Under The Lamp - 100 stupňů
Překlad Písně - Under The Lamp - 100 stupňů Překlad Písně - Under The Lamp - 100 stupňů
Videoklip k Písni - Under The Lamp - 100 stupňů Videoklip k Písni - Under The Lamp - 100 stupňů
Karaoke k Písni - Under The Lamp - 100 stupňů Karaoke k Písni - Under The Lamp - 100 stupňů

Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain
Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain
Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain

Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain
Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain
Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain


Voices in my soul
look apart from the reality
it is a girl who i know
is happy in my home

Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain
Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain
Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain

Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain
Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain
Use the brain, use the brain, use the brain


Under the lamp, the lamp the lamp, the magic plant
under the lamp, the lamp the lamp, the magic plant
under the lamp, the lamp the lamp, the magic plant
under the lamp, the lamp the lamp, the magic plant
under the lamp, the magic under the lamp
under the lamp, the magic under the lamp
under the lamp, the magic
under the lamp the magic
under the lamp the magic
magic magic magic magic


Under the lamp, the lamp the lamp, the magic plant
under the lamp, the lamp the lamp, the magic plant
under the lamp, the lamp the lamp, the magic plant
under the lamp, the lamp the lamp, the magic plant
under the lamp, the magic under the lamp
under the lamp, the magic under the lamp
under the lamp, the magic
under the lamp the magic
under the lamp the magic
magic magic magic magic

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