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Hudební skupiny > B > Bondoc,Gabe > Hurt Me Again

Karaoke k písni: Hurt Me Again - Bondoc,Gabe

Text Písně - Hurt Me Again - Bondoc,Gabe Text Písně - Hurt Me Again - Bondoc,Gabe
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Karaoke k Písni - Hurt Me Again - Bondoc,Gabe Karaoke k Písni - Hurt Me Again - Bondoc,Gabe

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Ohh la la la la la la la

You wanna be free
You wanna rise and fall like the sun
You say you wanna go but theres no where to run
So if you go and let your heart leave this place
What am I to do with all this empty space (yeah)
Somethings in life just cannot be
Why do one of those things have to be you loving me

Oh love
You hurt me again
Oh love, oh love, oh love
You hurt me again

Second after moment, after minute,
After hour, after day
I sit and wonder
How you could do someone this way (yeah)
So here I stand with my heart in my hands
Feeling like an ass
Case I just cant get past
How you found someone so fast (yeah)
These thing in life just cannot be
Why do one of those things have to be you loving me

Oh looooove
You hurt me again
Oh love, love, love, love
You hurt me again

Baby, one thing that you fail to see
It doesnt matter what you do to me
Cause your everything I've ever wanted and more
I dont wanna let go
No goodbyes no, no

Oh looooove
You hurt me again
Oh love, love, love, love
You hurt me again

Další písničky hudební skupiny Bondoc,Gabe:

Bondoc,Gabe - My Life, Love, Everything
Bondoc,Gabe - My Plan
Bondoc,Gabe - One Touch
Bondoc,Gabe - Petals On The Sea
Bondoc,Gabe - She Is

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Bondoc,Gabe:

Bondoc,Gabe - Excuse
Bondoc,Gabe - Gentlemen Don't
Bondoc,Gabe - Hairclip In My Pocket

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