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Karaoke k písni: Under These Skies - Born From Pain

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A million times, a million miles
Traveled in my time
There's all I've done and all I've had
Ignored the written signs
The price of time, the death of things
Hate to fade the lies
Fixed and broken, survived myself
My heart is bleeding...
Under these skies

The death of things
Under these skies
The broken hearts
Under these skies
The broken lives
Under these skies
Life passed me by
Under these skies

I've seen the light, I've felt the dark
Mourned all that are gone
Lost a lot, but gained the world
conquered all to come

Sands of time run out

The days of old they cannot last
The sands of time they pass too fast

The bitter tears, the endless nights
enter a newborn day
Stood up to rise, true hearts don't die
wash the dirt away

Další písničky hudební skupiny Born From Pain:

Born From Pain - Stainless
Born From Pain - Black Gold
Born From Pain - The Longest Day
Born From Pain - Harvest
Born From Pain - Never Return

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Born From Pain:

Born From Pain - Relentless
Born From Pain - Behind Enemy Lines
Born From Pain - Stop At Nothing
Born From Pain - Bury Me Fighting
Born From Pain - Crusader

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