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Karaoke k písni: The Longest Day - Born From Pain

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Dragging on, can't tell what's mine
Life heads for a fall
No more guides, no more escapes
No faith to great to break
Bleed forever, bleed alone
Lonely roads I roam
Day of broken dreams
Is this my world?
The damage has been done has been done

Damage has been done
This can't be the end
The end of an endless road
Take the dark away
The road to take myself home
Face the longest day
Face the longest...
Face the longest day

Cut my heart out, I'm thrown back in the dark
Hold my breath as words make wounds, sanity seems far
Life hits back, it's pounding in, I'm drowning in the blood
From open wounds, old and new, peace I will find none

Další písničky hudební skupiny Born From Pain:

Born From Pain - Harvest
Born From Pain - Never Return
Born From Pain - Rising Tide
Born From Pain - Here Lies Civilisation
Born From Pain - Immortality

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Born From Pain:

Born From Pain - Relentless
Born From Pain - Behind Enemy Lines
Born From Pain - Stop At Nothing
Born From Pain - Bury Me Fighting
Born From Pain - Crusader

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