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Hudební skupiny > B > Born From Pain > Fallen Angel

Karaoke k písni: Fallen Angel - Born From Pain

Text Písně - Fallen Angel - Born From Pain Text Písně - Fallen Angel - Born From Pain
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Karaoke k Písni - Fallen Angel - Born From Pain Karaoke k Písni - Fallen Angel - Born From Pain

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The writings on the wall
All spell hell
Completely crashed and burned again
Pitchblack darkness
One last prelude to madness
Your last barrier
My last frontier

I can feel the flames

Carry the load
I'm drowning in this massacre of truth
Your wings torn
Now you fall
I see your face
I see your eyes
There is no emotion
As I watch you fall!

I see you fall
Cast from my eternal heaven
As you bleed
Bleed with me
Bleed with me empty
In my eternal hell...

Další písničky hudební skupiny Born From Pain:

Born From Pain - Poisoned Blood (Live)
Born From Pain - Final Nail
Born From Pain - Reclaiming The Crown
Born From Pain - Marked For Death
Born From Pain - Recall To Inferno

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Born From Pain:

Born From Pain - Relentless
Born From Pain - Behind Enemy Lines
Born From Pain - Stop At Nothing
Born From Pain - Bury Me Fighting
Born From Pain - Crusader

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