Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

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Karaoke k písni: The Red Theatre - Brodequin

Text Písně - The Red Theatre - Brodequin Text Písně - The Red Theatre - Brodequin
Překlad Písně - The Red Theatre - Brodequin Překlad Písně - The Red Theatre - Brodequin
Videoklip k Písni - The Red Theatre - Brodequin Videoklip k Písni - The Red Theatre - Brodequin
Karaoke k Písni - The Red Theatre - Brodequin Karaoke k Písni - The Red Theatre - Brodequin

Video ještě nebylo přidáno.

Low thunder of the widow's blade rattles deep within the bones of those gathered
To witness the performance

Straps tightened under the arms and head placed within a perfect circle
Preventing movement in any way roars of revenge devour the squires of mercy

Stumbling across the platform intoxicated from a heartening draught screaming in
Support of the decree the crowd awaits in the shadow of the guillotine

An assistant pulls the ears to keep the skin on the neck taught sun glistens
On the edge feverishly awaiting the drop

Blade quickly released administering justice to keep the peace save your...
The last words uttered just before the head severed falls into a basket of iron

A fountain of blood soaks the assistant as the body is pushed into a leather
Lined basket final breath of life expelled from the lungs state sanctioned
Depravity upholding the laws of liberty equality and fraternity

Další písničky hudební skupiny Brodequin:

Brodequin - Pressing To Plead
Brodequin - Tyburn Field
Brodequin - Durance Vile
Brodequin - Lingering Existence
Brodequin - Cast Into Torment

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Brodequin:

Brodequin - Slaves To The Pyre
Brodequin - The Gridiron

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