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Tears for souvenirs Tears are not enough
Tears for shields and spears Tears are not enough

Searching for certainty
When it's such an unstable world
Searching for something good
And I'm looking for the real McCoy
Blueprint: That says that boy meets girl
Picture: Girl meets boy
A blueprint that says that the boy meets the girl
Picture in a magazine

Yes you've shown your feelings
Yes you've shown you're tough
Said things worth believing
Tears are not enough

Slam that door, slap my face
I don't love you anymore
Dry your eyes Sink or swim
You surmise you can't win
We all make great mistakes

Would I lie
Should I lie
Could I lie to you?
Excuses had their uses
But now they're all used up, all used up

Yes you've shown your feelings
Yes you've shown you're tough
Said things worth believing
Tears are not enough

Tears for souvenirs Tears are not enough
Tears for shields and spears Tears are not enough

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