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Karaoke k písni: Ever Increasing Circles - Carcass

Text Písně - Ever Increasing Circles - Carcass Text Písně - Ever Increasing Circles - Carcass
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Karaoke k Písni - Ever Increasing Circles - Carcass Karaoke k Písni - Ever Increasing Circles - Carcass

[Music: Steer/Regadas]
[Lyrics: Walker]

Round and round we go,
Like a merry-go-round out of control
The same old tune, same old song
Again, again, and again

Round and round we go,
When will it stop, nobody knows
The same old chords, the same old words
It all sounds familiar, all starts to sound the same

Turn on, tune in, drop out,
Out of tune, dropped in, turned off
Who calls the tune?

Round and round we go,
Ever get the feeling you've heard this before?
Same old melody, rejuvenated,
Recycled again and again

Round and round, we go,
Never able to stem the flow
Same old notes, going round in cycles
Over and over again, and over again...

Turn on, tune in, drop out,
Out of tune, dropped in, turned off
Who calls the tune?

Who plays the fool?
As the circles ever increase


Round and round we go,
Like a merry-go-round out of control
The same old tune, the same old song,
Again, again, and again

Round and round we go,
Ever get the feeling you've heard this before?
Same old melody, rejuvenated,
Recycled again and again, again and again...

Turn on, tune in, drop out,
Out of tune, dropped in, turned off

Turn on, tune in, drop out,
Out of tune, dropped in, turned off
Who calls the tune?
Who plays the fool?

Who calls the tune?
As the circles ever increase

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Carcass - Emotional Flatline

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