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Karaoke k písni: R**k The Vote - Carcass

Text Písně - R**k The Vote - Carcass Text Písně - R**k The Vote - Carcass
Překlad Písně - R**k The Vote - Carcass Překlad Písně - R**k The Vote - Carcass
Videoklip k Písni - R**k The Vote - Carcass Videoklip k Písni - R**k The Vote - Carcass
Karaoke k Písni - R**k The Vote - Carcass Karaoke k Písni - R**k The Vote - Carcass

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Hands in another's pocket
The bed they make
Is not the one in which they lie
The same old faces
The same old establishment
The same old lies
Cross your 'x'
It's your only voice
Do as you're told
Stay in line
Don't rock the boat
And buy what you're sold

Believe the lie
The lie that you're told
Doing fine
Just do as you're told

No dissident voices
The faces merge
Are one, absolute
A comfortable, privileged
White over belly
No threat, no change
No gain, just pain
The same old scheme
No hope, no choice
No future, no voice
This is no pipe dream
All is not what it seems

Believe the lie
The lie that you're told
Doing fine
Just do as you're told
Believe the lie
The lie that you're told
Doing fine
Just do as you're toldIs this rock'n'roll or a form of state control?

Is this really rock'n'roll?
Or a form of state control?

Believe the lie
The lie that you're told
Doing fine
Just do as you're told

Believe the lie
The lie that you're told
Doing fine
Just do as you're told

Believe the lie
The lie that you're told
Doing fine
Just do as you're told

Is this rock'n'roll or a form of state control?

Další písničky hudební skupiny Carcass:

Carcass - Don't Believe A Word
Carcass - Go To Hell
Carcass - Heartwork
Carcass - This Is Your Life
Carcass - Rot 'n' Roll

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Carcass:

Carcass - Edge Of Darkness
Carcass - Emotional Flatline
Carcass - Ever Increasing Circles
Carcass - Blood-Spattered Banner
Carcass - I Told You So (Corporate Rock Really Does Suck)

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