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Hudební skupiny > C > Celtic Frost > Rex Irae (Requiem: Overture - Fourth Version)

Karaoke k písni: Rex Irae (Requiem: Overture - Fourth Version) - Celtic Frost

Text Písně - Rex Irae (Requiem: Overture - Fourth Version) - Celtic Frost Text Písně - Rex Irae (Requiem: Overture - Fourth Version) - Celtic Frost
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Videoklip k Písni - Rex Irae (Requiem: Overture - Fourth Version) - Celtic Frost Videoklip k Písni - Rex Irae (Requiem: Overture - Fourth Version) - Celtic Frost
Karaoke k Písni - Rex Irae (Requiem: Overture - Fourth Version) - Celtic Frost Karaoke k Písni - Rex Irae (Requiem: Overture - Fourth Version) - Celtic Frost

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[INTRODUCTION: Rex Irae ...]
[DREAM ENCOUNTER:(King Wrath)(Dream Voice)]

You ...... have joined your father's feast
Those who saw: Essence or fall
Floods of dramatic silence
And words, from whom we don't know


Let me dream ...
Flee from false ...
I have tasted the weight of lust
My hands on the skein of height
... A pallid death
Mirage into dark
The horizons echo your glance
Following a detractive sleep
I am the wrath beneath the heavens
The downfall's monologue
Fallen into the vision of effect
Quiet as gods can be
(Joining the king's words)Orgies of fear
lnbreeding and death
I have walked Carthagia's sands
l've touched those buried walls
I am the ...
All mortal is love?
Remembrance has won
Breathing glorified innonce
Quiescence has died therefore
I am the ...


We stood before the portals of Babylon
And saw it's petrified fall
... Have seen your decline's symbols
But carried another life
We tasted the wine of Persepolis,
As mute as our era's breath
Death was never a fragment of
Exalting fantasy ...


This last region - Last of fire
Orgasmic cries - Tears and words
Wrath and strenght - Oh, gods! For you!
Before the throne ... - Death


Fright and praise
A faded light
Intimate rests my book
Unwritten what seems true
I am the ...
Art of might!
You remaining king
Take your predesessor's hand
You son of my Jade gift ...
I am the ...

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