Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > C > Crossfade > Never Coming Home

Karaoke k písni: Never Coming Home - Crossfade

Text Písně - Never Coming Home - Crossfade Text Písně - Never Coming Home - Crossfade
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Videoklip k Písni - Never Coming Home - Crossfade Videoklip k Písni - Never Coming Home - Crossfade
Karaoke k Písni - Never Coming Home - Crossfade Karaoke k Písni - Never Coming Home - Crossfade

I'm planning my release
Tonight I'll speak the words I never though I'd ever have to say to you
Hope it stings you so deeply for a moment you might see me
Then I'll leave you there all alone
One more thing that you should know
I'm not ever coming home

I think we should finally let this go
We both know it's the end of the road

All I ever needed was someone to believe in anything that I could give
Maybe there's something beautiful hidden deep in my bones
I'll get as far as I can go
Where I run you never will know
When you're left there lyin' alone
Know I'm never coming home

I think we have had enough time to know
So know that when I go
It's the end of the road

Know where I go it's the end of the road
It's the end of the road
I'm never coming home
See I'm never coming home

Další písničky hudební skupiny Crossfade:

Crossfade - Washing the World Away
Crossfade - Someday
Crossfade - Breathing Slowly
Crossfade - Anchor
Crossfade - Falling Away

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Crossfade:

Crossfade - Cold - Chlad
Crossfade - Already Gone
Crossfade - Why
Crossfade - Invincible
Crossfade - Everything's Wrong

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