Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

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Karaoke k písni: Colors - Crossfade

Text Písně - Colors - Crossfade Text Písně - Colors - Crossfade
Překlad Písně - Colors - Crossfade Překlad Písně - Colors - Crossfade
Videoklip k Písni - Colors - Crossfade Videoklip k Písni - Colors - Crossfade
Karaoke k Písni - Colors - Crossfade Karaoke k Písni - Colors - Crossfade

Can you feel it crush you
Does it seem to bring the worst in you out
There's no running away from
These things that hold you down

Do they complicate you
Because they make you feel like this
Of all the colors that you shine
This is surely not your best

But you should know these
Colors that you're shinin'

Are surely not the best
Colors that you shine

Surely not the best
Colors that you shine

I know you feel alone, yeah
No one else can figure you out
But don't you ever turn away from
The ones that help you down

Well they love to save you
Don't you know they love to see you smile
But these colors that you shine
Are surely not your style

But you should know these
Colors that you're shinin'

Are surely not the best
Colors that you shine
Surely not the best
Colors that you shine

I know you're feeling like you're lost
But you should know these colors that you're shinin' are
I know you're feeling like you're lost
You feel you've drifted way too far
Did you know these colors that you're shinin' are

Surely not the best
Colors that you shine
Surely not the best
Colors that you shine
Surely not the best (I know you're feeling like you're lost)
Colors that you shine (But you should know these colors that you're shinin' are)
Surely not the best (I know you're feeling like you're lost)
You feel you drifted way too far
Did you know these colors that you're shinin' are

Další písničky hudební skupiny Crossfade:

Crossfade - No Giving Up
Crossfade - The Unknown
Crossfade - Dead Skin
Crossfade - Death Trend Setta
Crossfade - Disco

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Crossfade:

Crossfade - Cold - Chlad
Crossfade - Already Gone
Crossfade - Why
Crossfade - Invincible
Crossfade - Everything's Wrong

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