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Karaoke k písni: All We Are - Doro Pesch

Text Písně - All We Are - Doro Pesch Text Písně - All We Are - Doro Pesch
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Karaoke k Písni - All We Are - Doro Pesch Karaoke k Písni - All We Are - Doro Pesch

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All we are
All we are, we are
We are all, all we need
All we are
All we are, we are
We are all, all we need

There's beauty in the heart of the beast
Fear behind the eyes of the thief
I know you know we're all incomplete
Let's get together and let's get some relief


Stronger than a mountain of steel
Faster than hell on wheels
We've got we've got all the power we need
Let's build a playground on this old battelfield


Now we're stronger
We no longer want you bringin' us down
We've got the magic
So we're gonna spread the magic around yeah!

Now we're stronger
We no longer want you pushin' us


All we are
We are all, all we need

Další písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Alles Ist Gut
Doro Pesch - Hoffnung
Doro Pesch - 1999
Doro Pesch - A Whiter Shade Of Pale
Doro Pesch - Above To Ashes

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Doro Pesch:

Doro Pesch - Love Me In Black
Doro Pesch - Alive
Doro Pesch - All I Want
Doro Pesch - All Night

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