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Hudební skupiny > D > Dj Melodie > Sound of my Dream

Karaoke k písni: Sound of my Dream - Dj Melodie

Text Písně - Sound of my Dream - Dj Melodie Text Písně - Sound of my Dream - Dj Melodie
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Videoklip k Písni - Sound of my Dream - Dj Melodie Videoklip k Písni - Sound of my Dream - Dj Melodie
Karaoke k Písni - Sound of my Dream - Dj Melodie Karaoke k Písni - Sound of my Dream - Dj Melodie

I, I want to go
I want to run, run to the places where I can be
I wanna know what is the sound
The sound out of something reminding me
I want to go, I got to run
Run to the moment and set me free
You tell me boy I hear the sound
Sound of my dream

So now
Now is the time to make it right
Now is the time to feel the heat
This is my place I stay the night
Just move your body to the beat

I, I want to go
I want to run, run to the places where I can be
I wanna know what is the sound
The sound out of something reminding me
I want to go, I got to run
Run to the moment and set me free
You tell me boy I hear the sound
Sound of my dream

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