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Hudební skupiny > D > Dark Moor > Dragon Into The Fire

Karaoke k písni: Dragon Into The Fire - Dark Moor

Text Písně - Dragon Into The Fire - Dark Moor Text Písně - Dragon Into The Fire - Dark Moor
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Videoklip k Písni - Dragon Into The Fire - Dark Moor Videoklip k Písni - Dragon Into The Fire - Dark Moor
Karaoke k Písni - Dragon Into The Fire - Dark Moor Karaoke k Písni - Dragon Into The Fire - Dark Moor

In the silence of the darkness
Close your eyes and you think
That the magic died long ago
And all grayness was grown
You will see it there
Dancing in the light

Trying to arrive to your soul
Flying with mighty wings
You have to have faith
Then mountains you'll move
You'll know that it's true
When you will look and see

In the sky
The dragon is into the fire
He's taking the night
In the sky
When your mind is far
Ride your white star
You'll arrive to the light
In the sky

The way will be hard and long
But you have to be strong
The beast lurks in the shadows
Waiting to drain your your life
It knocks on your door
Waiting for response
Take it's mighty hand
You have not to fear
The magic has to live
Spurting from your soul
You'll know that it's true
When you will look and see


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Dark Moor - Mortal Sin

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Dark Moor - The King's Sword
Dark Moor - Time Is The Avenger
Dark Moor - Walhalla
Dark Moor - Flying
Dark Moor - The Call

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