Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Dark Moor > Starsmaker (Elbereth)

Karaoke k písni: Starsmaker (Elbereth) - Dark Moor

Text Písně - Starsmaker (Elbereth) - Dark Moor Text Písně - Starsmaker (Elbereth) - Dark Moor
Překlad Písně - Starsmaker (Elbereth) - Dark Moor Překlad Písně - Starsmaker (Elbereth) - Dark Moor
Videoklip k Písni - Starsmaker (Elbereth) - Dark Moor Videoklip k Písni - Starsmaker (Elbereth) - Dark Moor
Karaoke k Písni - Starsmaker (Elbereth) - Dark Moor Karaoke k Písni - Starsmaker (Elbereth) - Dark Moor

When day is out, i can see in the sky
Plentyful forest made with the stars
In cold night, i can feel the near-by
goddess of asters no matter thou art so far

but in my sorrow i need to see
beatiful sunsets, precious to thee
and in my travels when they're too long
i'm just pay worship with this sweet song

Everytime I gaze the blue sky
filling thy grace with love tears my eyes
In thy face see the space
in my cry, hear a sight
Praying for thy light

a during ship crossing the sky by day
Sailing the morning. light is its trade
A silver ship for love starting the chase
when the night comes the light dies away

but in my sorrow i need to see
beatiful sunsets, precious to thee
and in my travels when they're too long
i'm just pay worship with this sweet song

Everytime I gaze the blue sky
filling thy grace with love tears my eyes
In thy face see the space
in my cry, hear a sight
Praying for thy light

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dark Moor:

Dark Moor - By The Stange Path Of Destiny
Dark Moor - In The Heart Of Stone
Dark Moor - Mystery Of Goddess
Dark Moor - Nevermore
Dark Moor - A New World

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dark Moor:

Dark Moor - The King's Sword
Dark Moor - Time Is The Avenger
Dark Moor - Walhalla
Dark Moor - Flying
Dark Moor - The Call

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