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Hudební skupiny > D > Dark Moor > Cyrano Of Bergerac

Karaoke k písni: Cyrano Of Bergerac - Dark Moor

Text Písně - Cyrano Of Bergerac - Dark Moor Text Písně - Cyrano Of Bergerac - Dark Moor
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Videoklip k Písni - Cyrano Of Bergerac - Dark Moor Videoklip k Písni - Cyrano Of Bergerac - Dark Moor
Karaoke k Písni - Cyrano Of Bergerac - Dark Moor Karaoke k Písni - Cyrano Of Bergerac - Dark Moor

This is the story of more than a man
A notable gentleman (born in Bergerac)
Who his life gave for impossible goals
That both time and fortune stole

In a soulless world
Where all is such cold as false
Where all has been whirled
As if was a mad waltz
I mean to be like
The warm spirit of a song
Noble and dreamlike
Now and for so long

In the battle and the poetry
Brave and dashing I will be

And when foes came ten to one
Was a foul game and I won
While I made rhymes with the wit sword

And when love came light which glows
Was my sad shame: heart or nose
Nose she chose

Falls the curtain
Making certain
I'm not shadow of my friend
But the glory
Wrote my story
True love I'll defend
To the end

But the drama had
Words behind good appearance
His beauty was clad
With my spirit and romance

But the beauty died
And soon the voice was got mute
Letters dulcified
Turn into spoilt fruit

In my dreams and false illusions
Sweetest lover I will be

And when love came light which glows
Was my sad shame: heart or nose
Nose she chose

I'm dying
Death can't catch
A sole thing, my penache!

Now I see
What my soul didn't
Ideal true love, real would be
If my eyes has been my heart
My eyes show pain now I know he's free
And he'll never be close to me

Hero who romantically died
Poet who made people sadly cry
Your mind, can't find, can't find
A strong bind, a sure bind
Lover who can love with no reward
Gentleman whom will sing all the bards
Your mind, can find, can find
A solid sign for world is not so blind

Další písničky hudební skupiny Dark Moor:

Dark Moor - The Fall Of Melnibone
Dark Moor - A Lament Of Misery
Dark Moor - The Silver Key
Dark Moor - Miracles
Dark Moor - Houdini's Great Escapade

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dark Moor:

Dark Moor - The King's Sword
Dark Moor - Time Is The Avenger
Dark Moor - Walhalla
Dark Moor - Flying
Dark Moor - The Call

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