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Karaoke k písni: Phantom Queen - Dark Moor

Text Písně - Phantom Queen - Dark Moor Text Písně - Phantom Queen - Dark Moor
Překlad Písně - Phantom Queen - Dark Moor Překlad Písně - Phantom Queen - Dark Moor
Videoklip k Písni - Phantom Queen - Dark Moor Videoklip k Písni - Phantom Queen - Dark Moor
Karaoke k Písni - Phantom Queen - Dark Moor Karaoke k Písni - Phantom Queen - Dark Moor

In my love
I have dreamt of you
Obtaining a view
A cow in the cattle
In my dream
I was in the fight
Focussing the light
A crow in the battle

But when, at my end, I meet the Great Queen
I shall die happy because I'll have her seen

And in the fray when I am getting colder
I may support a black crow on my shoulder
My black crow just crackle
Casting me a shackle
And then, I'll know, before feeling me frozen
That I have been by the Phantom Queen chosen
She will be my lover...

The Great Queen
From above
Phantom Queen
Got my love
She is the queen tyrannic
Of love, warfare and panic
The Great Queen
Has ay been
Phantom Queen

At the end
She is there and shows
How my blood-stained clothes
Washes in the river

This is the time of worshipping her figure
Before she extracts from the kidneys it's vigour

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Dark Moor - On The Hill Of Dreams
Dark Moor - Don't Look Back
Dark Moor - Faustus
Dark Moor - For Her
Dark Moor - An End So Cold

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Dark Moor:

Dark Moor - The King's Sword
Dark Moor - Time Is The Avenger
Dark Moor - Walhalla
Dark Moor - Flying
Dark Moor - The Call

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