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Hudební skupiny > D > Drowning Pool > Tear Away

Karaoke k písni: Tear Away - Drowning Pool

Text Písně - Tear Away - Drowning Pool Text Písně - Tear Away - Drowning Pool
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Videoklip k Písni - Tear Away - Drowning Pool Videoklip k Písni - Tear Away - Drowning Pool
Karaoke k Písni - Tear Away - Drowning Pool Karaoke k Písni - Tear Away - Drowning Pool

I'm tearing away
Pieces are falling I can't seem to make them stay,
You run away
Faster and faster you can't seem to get away,

Hope there's a reason
For questions unanswered I just don't see everything,
Yes I'm inside you
Tell me how does it feel to feel like this
Just like I do.
I don't care about anyone else but me,
I don't care about anyone.
I don't care about anyone else but me,
I don't care about anyone.

Do I really want this
Sometimes I scare myself I just can't let it go,
Can you believe it?
Everything happens for reasons I just don't know.
I don't care about anyone else but me,
I don't care about anyone.
I don't care about anyone else but me,
I don't care about anyone or anything, but me!
God damn I love me!

I don't care about anyone else but me,
I don't care about anyone.
I don't care about anyone else but me,
I don't care about anyone or anything.
I don't care about anyone else but me,
I don't care about anyone.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Drowning Pool:

Drowning Pool - All Over Me
Drowning Pool - Reminded
Drowning Pool - Pity
Drowning Pool - Mute
Drowning Pool - I Am

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Drowning Pool:

Drowning Pool - Full Circle
Drowning Pool - Enemy
Drowning Pool - Shame
Drowning Pool - Reborn
Drowning Pool - Reason I´m Alive

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