Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

Hudební skupiny > D > Drowning Pool > I Am

Karaoke k písni: I Am - Drowning Pool

Text Písně - I Am - Drowning Pool Text Písně - I Am - Drowning Pool
Překlad Písně - I Am - Drowning Pool Překlad Písně - I Am - Drowning Pool
Videoklip k Písni - I Am - Drowning Pool Videoklip k Písni - I Am - Drowning Pool
Karaoke k Písni - I Am - Drowning Pool Karaoke k Písni - I Am - Drowning Pool

I've never felt so alive
I've never had to run and hide
The things I want I cannot have
The things I need are all so bad

What'd you say!?

I coulda been (3x)
I am (repeat)
You coulda been (3x)
You are (repeat)

My best excuse is that I'm drained
From everything that keeps me sane
My sickness keeps me in control
From everything you'll never know

What'd you say!?

I coulda been (3x)
I am (repeat)
You coulda been (3x)
You are (repeat)

Does it make you happy?
Does it make you mad?
Why am I still laughing?
Look at what you had!

Does it make you feel good?
Does it make you sick?
That you knew that I would,
Be the one to trip!

I coulda been (3x)
I am (repeat)
You coulda been (3x)
You are (repeat)

No Control (3x)

Další písničky hudební skupiny Drowning Pool:

Drowning Pool - Follow
Drowning Pool - Told You So
Drowning Pool - Sermon

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Drowning Pool:

Drowning Pool - Full Circle
Drowning Pool - Enemy
Drowning Pool - Shame
Drowning Pool - Reborn
Drowning Pool - Reason I´m Alive

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