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Karaoke k písni: Reflecting Eyes - Elizium

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Through the burning eyes of jealousy
I see the power that should be mine
Knowing now that you look down on me
Crashing down I break through your shrine

Through the cold eyes of hatred
I see your palace burning down
A monument of fire for the dead
All is mine, I have seized the crown

Blind by emotions
All meaning has gone
A struggle to live, but still keep trying

But I haven’t won
It’s what I have become
Empty within, it feels like I’m dying

But maybe if I close my eyes
All these things will go away
Retrieving deep within my mind
The paradise where I was led astray

Maybe if I close my eyes
I’ll become what I have been
Return to days of innocence
Loose the thought that it’s just a dream

Through the crying eyes of sorrow
I see the grave mistake that I have made
Too late to change today or tomorrow
It’s my own soul that I betrayed

Through the empty eyes of apathy
I see no reason to exist at all
This power was never meant for me
If you look through my eyes you will fall

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Elizium - Ode to Death
Elizium - Fall of Lucifer
Elizium - Pandora

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Elizium:

Elizium - Moonlit Haze
Elizium - Angel of Mistrust
Elizium - Frailty
Elizium - Land of Scars
Elizium - Rape of Creed

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