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Karaoke k písni: Float - Flogging Molly

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Drank away the rest of the day,
Wonder what my liver'd say,
Drink, That's all you can.

Blackened days with their bigger gales,
Blow in your parlor to discuss the day,
Listen, That's all you can.

Ah but don't, no don't sink the boat,
That you built, you built to keep afloat,
Ah no don't, no don't sink the boat,
That you built...

Sick and tired of what to say,
No one listens anyway,
Sing, That's all you can.

Rambling years of lousy luck,
Ya miss the smell of burning turf,
Dream, That's all you can.

Ah but don't, no don't sink the boat,
That you built, you built to keep afloat,
Ah no don't, no don't sink the boat,
That you built... that you
built to keep afloat.

Singled out for who you are,
It takes all types to judge a man,
Feel, That's all you can.

Filthy suits with biggot ears,
Hide behind their own worst fears,
Live, That's all you can.

It's all you can
It's all you can... do.

No matter where I put my head,
I wake up feeling sound again,
Breathe, It's all you can.

Tomorrow smells of a less decay,
The flowers keep this bloomin' fray,
Be Thankful, That's all you can.

Ah but don't, don't sink the boat,
That you built, you built to keep afloat,
Ah no don't, no don't sink the boat,
That you built... you
built to keep afloat.

Ah no don't, no don't sink the boat,
That you built, that you built to keep afloat.

A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
I'm a ripe old age,
That's what I am.

I'm a ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
Just doin' the best I can.

A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
That's what I am.

A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
A ripe old age,
Just doin' the best I can.

The best I can.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me
Flogging Molly - Lighting Storm
Flogging Molly - Punch Drunk Grinning Soul
Flogging Molly - Us of Lesser Gods
Flogging Molly - Between a Man and a Woman

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Requiem For a Dying Song
Flogging Molly - (No More) Paddy's Lament

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