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Karaoke k písni: Between a Man and a Woman - Flogging Molly

Text Písně - Between a Man and a Woman - Flogging Molly Text Písně - Between a Man and a Woman - Flogging Molly
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Videoklip k Písni - Between a Man and a Woman - Flogging Molly Videoklip k Písni - Between a Man and a Woman - Flogging Molly
Karaoke k Písni - Between a Man and a Woman - Flogging Molly Karaoke k Písni - Between a Man and a Woman - Flogging Molly

Between a man and a woman
Life begins again
Between love and confusion
There Lies only pain

Take my word,
Heal my soul,
Shake my pride,
I'm too proud to let go
Give me the sun
And the moon above
If the stars should fall
Then only heaven knows
Between a man and a woman
It's everything or nothing at all
Everything or nothing at all

Neither rhyme nor a reason
Will make us think the same
You tell me I'm half crazy
But you're insane

Take my world,
Heal my soul,
Shake my pride,
I'm too proud to let go
Give me the sun
And the moon above
If the stars should fall
Then only heaven knows
Between a man and a woman
It's everything or nothing at all
Everything or nothing at all

She says 'love me like you did, you did before'
He says 'love me like you did, you did once more'

Between a man and a woman
It's everything or nothing at all
Everything or nothing at all

Take my word,
Heal my soul,
Shake my pride,
I'm too proud to let go
Give me the sun
And the moon above
If the stars should fall
Then only heaven knows

Take my word,
Heal my soul,
Shake my pride,
I'm too proud to let go
Give me the sun
And the moon above
If the stars should fall
Then only heaven knows

Between a man and a woman
It's everything or nothing at all
Everything or nothing at all

Everything or nothing at all.

Everything or nothing at all.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - From the Back of a Broken Dream
Flogging Molly - Man With No Country
Flogging Molly - The Story So Far
Flogging Molly - Laura
Flogging Molly - Screaming at the Wailing Wall

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Requiem For a Dying Song
Flogging Molly - (No More) Paddy's Lament
Flogging Molly - Float
Flogging Molly - You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me
Flogging Molly - Lighting Storm

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