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Karaoke k písni: The Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly

Text Písně - The Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly Text Písně - The Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly
Překlad Písně - The Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly Překlad Písně - The Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly
Videoklip k Písni - The Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly Videoklip k Písni - The Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly
Karaoke k Písni - The Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly Karaoke k Písni - The Son Never Shines (On Closed Doors) - Flogging Molly

I saw her there from afar
Her hair grey charcoal
Takes a drag from her tar
I kissed her a smile
But her blood red shot eye
Said the son never shines on closed doors

It's been eight long years since I saw
The woman who's labored
Since the day I was born
These wrinkles now face
To that cold dark damp place
Where the son never shines on closed doors

She said the son never shines on closed doors
I open to find only hurricanes blow
Take me away back to the green fields of May
Because the son never shines on closed doors

Death comes like a theif in the night
To steal while you sleep
The soul's flickering licght
Well maybe it's then
She said, I'll see you again
Because the son never shines on closed doors

She said the son never shines on closed doors
I open to find only hurricanes blow
Take me away back to the green fields of May
Because the son never shines on closed doors

And we all go the same way home
Yeah we all go the same way home

Další písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Salty Dog
Flogging Molly - Selfish Man
Flogging Molly - The Worst Day Since Yesterday
Flogging Molly - Every Dog Has His Day
Flogging Molly - Life in a Tenement Square

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Flogging Molly:

Flogging Molly - Requiem For a Dying Song
Flogging Molly - (No More) Paddy's Lament
Flogging Molly - Float
Flogging Molly - You Won't Make a Fool Out of Me
Flogging Molly - Lighting Storm

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