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Karaoke k písni: I Pray Cruel - Furthest Drive Home

Text Písně - I Pray Cruel - Furthest Drive Home Text Písně - I Pray Cruel - Furthest Drive Home
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Karaoke k Písni - I Pray Cruel - Furthest Drive Home Karaoke k Písni - I Pray Cruel - Furthest Drive Home

A moment of light slowly sets on the horizon,
The usual suspects that lead you a stray
But we shed our skin and grown new lives.
I’ll give up and go cause she won’t know,
Just give up and go cause she won't know.

Your lifted up high with no control it’s a turbulent time.
So let the love roar down,
Let the love roar down,
Let the love roar down,
Let the love roar back down your throat.

Leave this to imagination.
The reality of the situation has no real sensation.
Oh oh, so let the mind run wild,
Just live a dream and
Give up and go cause she won’t know,
Just give up and go cause she won't know.

Your lifted up high with no control it’s a turbulent time.
So let the love roar down,
Let the love roar down,
Let the love roar down,
Let the love roar back down your throat.

Your lifted up high with no control it’s a turbulent time.
So let the love roar down,
Let the love roar down,
Let the love roar down,
Let the love roar... down.

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