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Karaoke k písni: Children Of The Underworld - Gloomy Grim

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Karaoke k Písni - Children Of The Underworld - Gloomy Grim Karaoke k Písni - Children Of The Underworld - Gloomy Grim

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I call you, my Master,
King of the Ghouls,
Bringer of Pain,
Wreakerof Sorrow

[chorus :]
Those are the
Children of The Underworld
Bitter Venom of gods
The Great Storms from Below,
Those are THEY

I spill the red Water of Life
To the stone struck with a sword,
That hath slain eleven men
And hath spreaded Misery and Blood


Know that our years are The Years of WAR
And our days measured as Battles

And every hour is a life lost from
The outside of the Sweet World of Sorrow


Know that our years are The Years of WAR
And our days measured as Battles

And every hour is a life lost from
The outside where every lie is true

Další písničky hudební skupiny Gloomy Grim:

Gloomy Grim - Pope Of The Black Arts
Gloomy Grim - Blood
Gloomy Grim - Ocean Of Candles
Gloomy Grim - Ashes
Gloomy Grim - The Summoning

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Gloomy Grim:

Gloomy Grim - Come If You Dare
Gloomy Grim - Lucifer's Hammer
Gloomy Grim - Tomorrow Might Not Come
Gloomy Grim - Corps Of Doom
Gloomy Grim - Nothing But Hate

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