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Karaoke k písni: Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant

Text Písně - Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant Text Písně - Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant
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Videoklip k Písni - Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant Videoklip k Písni - Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant
Karaoke k Písni - Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant Karaoke k Písni - Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant

Now in the street there is violence
And - and a lots of work to be done
No place to hang out our washing
And - and I can´t blame all on the sun
Oh no we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
and then we´ll take it higher
Oh we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
and then we´ll take it higher
Workin´ so hard like a soldier
Can´t afford a thing on TV
Deep in my heart I am warrior
Can´t get food for them kid
Good God we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
and then we´ll take it higher
Oh we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
and then we´ll take it higher

Oh no...
Oh no...
Oh no...
Oh no...)

Who is to blame in one country
Never can get to the one
Dealin´ in multiplication
And they still can´t feed everyone
Oh no we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
and then we´ll take it higher
Oh no we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
and then we´ll take it higher

(2nd interlude:
Out in the street...
Out in the street...
Out in the playground...
In the dark side of town...)
Oh we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
and then we´ll take it higher
Hey, we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
and then we´ll take it higher
(Rock it in the daytime,
Rock it in the night ... etc, fading)

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