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Hudební skupiny > G > Graveworm > In Vengeance Of Our Wrath

Karaoke k písni: In Vengeance Of Our Wrath - Graveworm

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Videoklip k Písni - In Vengeance Of Our Wrath - Graveworm Videoklip k Písni - In Vengeance Of Our Wrath - Graveworm
Karaoke k Písni - In Vengeance Of Our Wrath - Graveworm Karaoke k Písni - In Vengeance Of Our Wrath - Graveworm

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Sickness and plagues
Torture and pain
Damnation of souls
Seduction of life
Destroyed the world
With the power of death

Blessed by the night
The secret behind
Black velvet time
Poison the earth
Thousand voices
Are screaming in pain

Somewhere in the black nortthern sky
Soiled in blood the wings of darkness
In vengeance of our wrath
When demons are raping the angels
And blood is falling from the sky
The children of darkness arrives
In vengeance of our wrath

Turned from white into black
In vengeance of our wrath
Crushed all life of this world
In vengeance of our wrath

As darkness dwells into the ruins of God
And the shadows lies upon...
The eyes of all lies
Are watching down from the sky
The world is grey and all life within
The creatures of lust and death
And the endless howling wind
Destroyed the last on earth

Sickness and plagues
Torture and pain
Damnation of souls
Seduction of life
Destroyed the world
With the power of death

Blessed by the night
The secret behind
Black velvet time
Poison the earth
Thousand voices
Screaming - for revenge

Další písničky hudební skupiny Graveworm:

Graveworm - Sanctity Within Darkness
Graveworm - A Dreaming Beauty
Graveworm - Portrait Of A Deadly Nightshade
Graveworm - Nocturnal Hymns
Graveworm - Behind The Curtain Of Darkness

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Graveworm:

Graveworm - Bloodwork
Graveworm - Touch Of Hate
Graveworm - Suicide Code
Graveworm - The Day I Die
Graveworm - Fragile Side

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