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Hudební skupiny > G > Green Adam > Friends of Mine

Karaoke k písni: Friends of Mine - Green Adam

Text Písně - Friends of Mine - Green Adam Text Písně - Friends of Mine - Green Adam
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Karaoke k Písni - Friends of Mine - Green Adam Karaoke k Písni - Friends of Mine - Green Adam

Video ještě nebylo přidáno.

for the song? I got bored....

and we live on borrowed time,
but this headshot's pretty good.
i've been scheming for too long,
i was starstruck by your mom.

we fall in love by accident,
a heavenly coincidence.
no matter what you think is true.
let me introduce you to some,
friends of mine.
oh, friends of mine.
oh, friends of mine.
oh, friends of mine.

and we brake for passing cars,
in the pistol ripping chase.
i regret the drugs you lost,
so i skipped our second date.

we fall in love by accident,
a heavenly coincidence.
no matter what you think is true.
let me introduce you to some,
friends of mine.
oh, friends of mine.
oh, friends of mine.
oh, friends of mine.

we fall in love by accident,
a heavenly coincidence.
no matter what you think is true.
let me introduce you to.

can't figure out this place.
guess someone hates my guts.
i handed him the sign.
oh, friends of mine.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

Green Adam - Frozen in Time
Green Adam - Broken Joystick
Green Adam - I Wanna Die
Green Adam - Salty Candy
Green Adam - No Legs

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Green Adam:

Green Adam - Gemstones
Green Adam - Down On The Street
Green Adam - He's the Brat
Green Adam - Over the Sunrise
Green Adam - Crackhouse Blues

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