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Karaoke k písni: Into The Night - Alkaline Trio

Text Písně - Into The Night - Alkaline Trio Text Písně - Into The Night - Alkaline Trio
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Videoklip k Písni - Into The Night - Alkaline Trio Videoklip k Písni - Into The Night - Alkaline Trio
Karaoke k Písni - Into The Night - Alkaline Trio Karaoke k Písni - Into The Night - Alkaline Trio

We'll never know which way this road is gonna turn
and can't be sure how quick your wick is gonna burn
so sing to me your darkest secrets
time to leave behind your regrets
before we get lost in a blink of an eye

This carrion has been forgotten
left for dead in the sun rotting
the answers lie here in this tragedy
it ends when you and me
we're dragged from the light
into the night...

We have been warned which way this storm is gonna blow
But where the rip tide takes us to we'll never know
now you're screaming out for Jesus
send for anyone, please save us
Before we get lost in the blink of an eye

This carrion has been forgotten
left for dead in the sun rotting,
the answers lie here in this tragedy,
it ends with you and me,
we're dragged from the light,
into the night...

So sing to me your darkest secrets
Time to leave behind your regrets
Before we get lost in the blink of an eye

This carrion has been forgotten
left for dead in the sun rotting,
the answer lies here in the mystery,
it starts with you and me
when we're dragged from the light
into the night...

Into the night...
Into the night...
Into the night...

Další písničky hudební skupiny Alkaline Trio:

Alkaline Trio - In My Stomach
Alkaline Trio - Mercy me

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Alkaline Trio:

Alkaline Trio - Calling All Skeletons
Alkaline Trio - Help Me
Alkaline Trio - In Vein
Alkaline Trio - Over And Out
Alkaline Trio - I Found Away

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