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Karaoke k písni: Ashes To Ashes... - Heavenly

Text Písně - Ashes To Ashes... - Heavenly Text Písně - Ashes To Ashes... - Heavenly
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Karaoke k Písni - Ashes To Ashes... - Heavenly Karaoke k Písni - Ashes To Ashes... - Heavenly

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Welcome to the dark side
Suffer the wound i inflicted upon you, as a vampire now you shall be
Fear you shall forever fell and induce to human heart,
On your quest for blood.
Thou shall not tempt to find me,
the master of all,
the bringer of your tragedy.
But alone in darkness you shall dwell for
centuries to come.
The night will be your friend,
And you shall hide from daylight.
It's the end of your human soul, but the beginning of your eternal doom.

Další písničky hudební skupiny Heavenly:

Heavenly - Destiny
Heavenly - Sign Of The Winner
Heavenly - The World Will Be Better
Heavenly - Condemned To Die
Heavenly - The Angel

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Heavenly:

Heavenly - The Dark Memories
Heavenly - Spill Blood On Fire
Heavenly - Virus
Heavenly - The Power & Fury
Heavenly - Wasted Time

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