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Karaoke k písni: Circles - All Time Low

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Karaoke k Písni - Circles - All Time Low Karaoke k Písni - Circles - All Time Low

Inquisitive and thoughtful,
she was the challenge he'd been waiting for;
a reminder that creativity runs deep like secrets.
Dark eyed dreamers; they were a dangerous pair,
Q next to U scribbled out on paper...
They stop / They go / They're done.

Go back to the place we knew before / retrace our steps to the basement door,
I'll ask you if the rain still makes you smile,
Like so much time that we spent in the fall / it put color in our cheeks while the air turned cold,
Preceding what became our bitter end.

Round in circles -- lets start over,
Round in circles -- lets start over.

Unanswered questions would be the only thing to stop them now...
He was the poet while she was the muse,
but she had a pen that she knew how to use,
with a touch of redemption, a hint of elation;
a recipe for disaster.

Go back to the place we knew before / retrace our steps to the basement door,
I'll ask you if the rain still makes you smile,
Like so much time that we spent in the fall / it put color in our cheeks while the air turned cold,
Preceding what became our bitter end.

Let this be a lesson to us all...

Další písničky hudební skupiny All Time Low:

All Time Low - We Say Summer
All Time Low - Break Out! Break Out!
All Time Low - Running From Lions
All Time Low - Noel
All Time Low - I Can't Do The One-Two Step

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny All Time Low:

All Time Low - Dear Maria
All Time Low - Vegas
All Time Low - The beach
All Time Low - This Is How We do
All Time Low - Let It Roll

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