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Hudební skupiny > K > Josh Kelley > Lift Me Up

Karaoke k písni: Lift Me Up - Josh Kelley

Text Písně - Lift Me Up - Josh Kelley Text Písně - Lift Me Up - Josh Kelley
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Videoklip k Písni - Lift Me Up - Josh Kelley Videoklip k Písni - Lift Me Up - Josh Kelley
Karaoke k Písni - Lift Me Up - Josh Kelley Karaoke k Písni - Lift Me Up - Josh Kelley

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Somebody stares in my room.
Well, ask him if he'd like to come inside.
People pass by him everyday
He mumbles like he's gone and lost his mind

And he stares at me as if to say,
Lift me up.
(You know you wanna go)
I'm scared.
(You know you wanna go)
Lift me up.
I'm tired of this.
Lift me up
And float among the clouds.

Take of your coat and stay awhile.
Help yourself to each and every thing
To lend an ear don't cost a thing.

Waiting for my ship to come
Take me far away.

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