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Karaoke k písni: They (Will Always) Die - Anathema

Text Písně - They (Will Always) Die - Anathema Text Písně - They (Will Always) Die - Anathema
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Videoklip k Písni - They (Will Always) Die - Anathema Videoklip k Písni - They (Will Always) Die - Anathema
Karaoke k Písni - They (Will Always) Die - Anathema Karaoke k Písni - They (Will Always) Die - Anathema

All tears restrained for years
Their grief is confined
Which destroys my mind

An ode to their plight is this dirge

Some yearn for lugubrious silence
Serenity in the image of coffins

Shall life renew these bodies of a truth?
All death will he annul, all tears assuage?
Fill the void veins of life, again with youth
And wash with an immortal water, age

They Die ... They will always die

Další písničky hudební skupiny Anathema:

Anathema - Sleepless
Anathema - Sleep In Sanity
Anathema - Under A Veil (Of Black Lace)
Anathema - All Faith Is Lost
Anathema - ...And I Lust

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Anathema:

Anathema - Fragile Dreams
Anathema - Leave No Trace
Anathema - Inner Silence
Anathema - One Last Goodbye
Anathema - Are You There?

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