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Karaoke k písni: Ireland - Donna Lewis

Text Písně - Ireland - Donna Lewis Text Písně - Ireland - Donna Lewis
Překlad Písně - Ireland - Donna Lewis Překlad Písně - Ireland - Donna Lewis
Videoklip k Písni - Ireland - Donna Lewis Videoklip k Písni - Ireland - Donna Lewis
Karaoke k Písni - Ireland - Donna Lewis Karaoke k Písni - Ireland - Donna Lewis

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if I could trace the ocean's face
ride the waves full of grace
the joyful sound of happiness
the white winged dove I caress

dream beneath the wings of love
in the floodlight of the moon above
I kneel before the heavenly waters

and i will go where
wherever you may be
beautiful and rising to me
I will go running
heady and free
I will go with you
wherever you may be

I will go where no man treads
where magic dreams and jewelled streams
hold the key that I believe is
wealth to me
slip into a stranger's hands
the ancient wonder of the land
I kneel before the heavenly water

and i will go where
wherever you may be
beautiful and rising to me
I will go running
heady and free
I will go with you
wherever you may be

these things
these pathways worn
these moments

Další písničky hudební skupiny Donna Lewis:

Donna Lewis - Pink Dress
Donna Lewis - Nowhere To Run
Donna Lewis - Hands
Donna Lewis - Sixth Sense
Donna Lewis - Blutides

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Donna Lewis:

Donna Lewis - At The Beginning
Donna Lewis - I Love You

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