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Karaoke k písni: Sixth Sense - Donna Lewis

Text Písně - Sixth Sense - Donna Lewis Text Písně - Sixth Sense - Donna Lewis
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Videoklip k Písni - Sixth Sense - Donna Lewis Videoklip k Písni - Sixth Sense - Donna Lewis
Karaoke k Písni - Sixth Sense - Donna Lewis Karaoke k Písni - Sixth Sense - Donna Lewis

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running out the door
running through the gates
setting up the soldier force

amplify the fear
do I have the faith
relying on the ghost in front of me

and I can see
the coldest eyes
and I can see
the hoplessness

lightning flash
time stands still
hanging high
dark and cold
I wish I was popular
adoring eyes around me

and I can see
the coldest eyes
and I can see
the hoplessness
and I can see
the damaged and the damned
and I can see

that you don't know that
you're broken
and you're not here
and you're not real
and I'm sorry
it's a dead dream
you're a nice man

and I wish
I wish
I could
purify the fountain

and I wish
I wish
I could
purify the fountain

and I wish
I could........

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Donna Lewis - After The Fire
Donna Lewis - Fearless
Donna Lewis - Moonbeam
Donna Lewis - Be Still

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Donna Lewis:

Donna Lewis - At The Beginning
Donna Lewis - I Love You
Donna Lewis - Ireland
Donna Lewis - Pink Dress
Donna Lewis - Nowhere To Run

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