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Karaoke k písni: Will Love Grow - Donna Lewis

Text Písně - Will Love Grow - Donna Lewis Text Písně - Will Love Grow - Donna Lewis
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Videoklip k Písni - Will Love Grow - Donna Lewis Videoklip k Písni - Will Love Grow - Donna Lewis
Karaoke k Písni - Will Love Grow - Donna Lewis Karaoke k Písni - Will Love Grow - Donna Lewis

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I wonder if you're feeling
I wonder if you know
I wonder if you're feeling
The change

I can't help myself I'm falling
I'm going weaker at the knees
And I need to know you feel this way
I need to hear it please

Will love grow in my garden
Will love grow in my garden

Love is wild and love is precious
A flowering seed
It fills the air with madness
Love is all it needs
A nourishment of tenderness
That blossoms to the touch
Flaunts a deverstating beauty
That can haunt a life so much

Will love grow in my garden
Will love grow in my garden

By the gentlest of fingers I will nurture
Care for you
Seek the sweetest shade of sunlight kissing
By early morning dew
Keep a never ending vigil
Out of sight of all but one

Will love grow in my garden
Will love grow in my garden

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