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Karaoke k písni: Silent World - Donna Lewis

Text Písně - Silent World - Donna Lewis Text Písně - Silent World - Donna Lewis
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Karaoke k Písni - Silent World - Donna Lewis Karaoke k Písni - Silent World - Donna Lewis

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If I could put you on top of a cake
I would ice you and keep you wrapped up in a box to be near you
If I could I would .

If I could touch you again with my fingers so gently
If I could feel you breathing in time next to me
but the silence surrounds me
flashing memories of you riding with the moon that night
I never had the chance to say goodbye goodbye.

lost forever lost to another world gone forever but remembered in our thoughts you are

If I could open the heavens above I'd be with you
If I could hold you again in my arms I would tell you that I love you

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