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Karaoke k písni: Streets Disciple - Nas

Text Písně - Streets Disciple - Nas Text Písně - Streets Disciple - Nas
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Karaoke k Písni - Streets Disciple - Nas Karaoke k Písni - Streets Disciple - Nas

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Peace, how you?
I aint mean to be late, it was my night to watch my little girl.
It's chilly out here.
What happened, you cryin?
Ya'll got into it again, huh?
See you gotta let em know, from the jump, I don't care who they are, or who they with.
Yeah, I know they know we talking.
Why don't they just leave us alone?
I know it's hard for them to understand people like us can love each other.
Come on, stop cryin' now.
Oh, there's somethin I gotta tell you, I heard they watchin you, yeah they watching you.
They watchin me too.
But there aint no reason to get low, I'm proud, I'm here.
You know, Imma stand up for you, no matter what; and I konw you'll stand up for me.
I don't have no doub about you bein true to me.
The world is ours, but right now i feel like the whole world is against us.
So study, be strong, don't cry no more.
(cont. on A Message To The Feds, Sincerely, We The People)

Další písničky hudební skupiny Nas:

Nas - Intro
Nas - A Message To The Feds
Nas - Nazarts Savage
Nas - American Way
Nas - These Are Our Heroes

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Nas:

Nas - I Can
Nas - Hip-Hop Is Dead
Nas - Made You Look
Nas - Money Over Bulshit
Nas - You Cant Kill Me

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