Hudební skupiny, Videoklipy, texty písní a karaoke

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Karaoke k písni: You are more than I can say - New Collection

Text Písně - You are more than I can say - New Collection Text Písně - You are more than I can say - New Collection
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Videoklip k Písni - You are more than I can say - New Collection Videoklip k Písni - You are more than I can say - New Collection
Karaoke k Písni - You are more than I can say - New Collection Karaoke k Písni - You are more than I can say - New Collection

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Tell me how and tell me where to go
Tell me, Jesus, tell me how can I grow
Make me pure and, Spirit, make me new
Cleanse my heart, Lord, do what you want to do

You are more than I can say
Hear my cry and hear me pray

Teach me, Father, teach me walk on your ways
Teach me how to live and how to prove grace
Give me power, give me wisdom and love
Give me faith and strength from heaven above

You are more than I can say
Hear my cry and hear me pray
Break me down, break me to my knees
Hear me, Lord, just hear me please

I will keep on going
I’m gonna keep on praying
I’m gonna keep on trying
I’m gonna keep on singing

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New Collection - ME & YOU
New Collection - Where you are
New Collection - You’ll always be my God
New Collection - He loves you
New Collection - Krása kolem nás

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny New Collection:

New Collection - Savior of my life
New Collection - Smile
New Collection - Máš pro nás víc
New Collection - Thank you God

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