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Hudební skupiny > P > Pink Cream 69 > Face In The Mirror

Karaoke k písni: Face In The Mirror - Pink Cream 69

Text Písně - Face In The Mirror - Pink Cream 69 Text Písně - Face In The Mirror - Pink Cream 69
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Videoklip k Písni - Face In The Mirror - Pink Cream 69 Videoklip k Písni - Face In The Mirror - Pink Cream 69
Karaoke k Písni - Face In The Mirror - Pink Cream 69 Karaoke k Písni - Face In The Mirror - Pink Cream 69

she sees her face in the mirror
eyes surrounded in black
see the girl but don't fear her
she's too high attack
and her eyes are blue
they fill up with sorrow
she looks straight at you
she can't tomorrow

face in the mirror
face in the mirror
what have you done?

she sees blood on her fingers
I see fear in her eyes
she's changin'. she's changin'
see her bleached-out skin
she's cryin', she's dyin'
she can never win

and her eyes see truth
they fill up with sorrow
she looks straight at you
she won't see tomorrow

she gave in temptation
she just wanted to feel
she's at her destination
now it's all so surreal

that face in the mirror
lookin' back on you
that face always tell the truth

face in the mirror
what have you done?
face in the mirror

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Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Pink Cream 69:

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Pink Cream 69 - Change
Pink Cream 69 - Freakshow
Pink Cream 69 - Funny Words
Pink Cream 69 - Light Of Day

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