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Hudební skupiny > 0-9 > 10 Years > Dying Youth

Karaoke k písni: Dying Youth - 10 Years

Text Písně - Dying Youth - 10 Years Text Písně - Dying Youth - 10 Years
Překlad Písně - Dying Youth - 10 Years Překlad Písně - Dying Youth - 10 Years
Videoklip k Písni - Dying Youth - 10 Years Videoklip k Písni - Dying Youth - 10 Years
Karaoke k Písni - Dying Youth - 10 Years Karaoke k Písni - Dying Youth - 10 Years

Deep under the surface I keep the love.
Older and aware of a hidden universe.
I've prayed to be young and prayed to be inspired.
Words of your tongue blister like fire.

I can't let you go.
Slow down don't leave.
Dying days of my youth.
Over take me.

There is a glimpse of death in your eye's.
I'm not prepared to let out those cries.
I plead to stay young soon will be expired.
So lost in denial.

I can't let you go.
Slow down don't leave.
Dying days of my youth.
Over take me.

Breach in her womb, sheltered from strife.
Bearing the gifts and burdens of life.
I've prayed to stay young, but soon will be expired.
An age of innocence, long since gone.

I can't let you go.
Slow down don't leave.
Dying days of my youth.
Over take me.

Those who are looking backwards, chose to live as statues
Frozen, fractured, youthful laughter, fades.

I can't let you go.
Slow down don't leave.
Dying days of my youth.
Over take me.

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