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Karaoke k písni: Scars - Axenstar

Text Písně - Scars - Axenstar Text Písně - Scars - Axenstar
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Videoklip k Písni - Scars - Axenstar Videoklip k Písni - Scars - Axenstar
Karaoke k Písni - Scars - Axenstar Karaoke k Písni - Scars - Axenstar

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Thousand miles away I see the light of day
A day that knows no tomorrow
Distant memories are buried in the past
They only bring me pain and sorrow

A story not yet told
Facing a wall of silence

The scars I have inside of me never leaving me alone
Forcing me to be on my own trusting no one but myself
I'm trapped in a barren reality where nothing ever stays the same
Trusting you was my last mistake but the scars they will remain

Many years have past and the soul never last
Tearing a hole in my heart
Falling down through life I'll never be the same
Sleeping while my mind rips apart

See myself living a lie inside a castle of treachery
The future's wide open for me but I walk down a dead end street
Feeling the demons arise my body is numb from the unspeakable fear
But still I cannot face the real me

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