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Karaoke k písni: Enchantment - Axenstar

Text Písně - Enchantment - Axenstar Text Písně - Enchantment - Axenstar
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Karaoke k Písni - Enchantment - Axenstar Karaoke k Písni - Enchantment - Axenstar

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On a stormy winter's morning
When the snow was falling like diamonds so bright
They came for her, my precious angel
My heart's now dressed in darkest black
With the silence of the nighfall
I made my way through it all
The moonlight is guiding my way to her

Embraced in the veil of night
Where the shadows lose their beauty so fast
Let the beast inside of your heart tempt you, please you too

As the mistery uncovers
Will I find the key to unlock this dream?
Enraged with hate, a burning embers
I'll slay them all for this dreadful crime
With the sanctity of the last hour
Now the Reaper's riding right next by my side
His black eyes awaiting another death

She led you that lake
Where thousand tears are flowing
This enchatment you have to break
Or else all will be lost
Voices are calling to stand up for your own
Make yourself ready to fight
And keep in mind that you are her only hope
Burning like fire for the only one, my soul

She led you that lake
Where thousand tears are flowing
This enchatment you have to break
Or else all will be lost
Voices are calling to stand up for your own
Make yourself ready to fight
And keep in mind that you are her only hope
Burning like fire for thee
Yearning desire

Další písničky hudební skupiny Axenstar:

Axenstar - New Revelations
Axenstar - Confess Thy Sins
Axenstar - Perpetual Twilight

Předchozí písničky hudební skupiny Axenstar:

Axenstar - All I Could Ever Be
Axenstar - Scars

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