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Hudební skupiny > A > Axenstar > Confess Thy Sins

Karaoke k písni: Confess Thy Sins - Axenstar

Text Písně - Confess Thy Sins - Axenstar Text Písně - Confess Thy Sins - Axenstar
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Videoklip k Písni - Confess Thy Sins - Axenstar Videoklip k Písni - Confess Thy Sins - Axenstar
Karaoke k Písni - Confess Thy Sins - Axenstar Karaoke k Písni - Confess Thy Sins - Axenstar

Forgive me father, for I have sinned
But that's just my way and I know I will win
Years spent in waiting for final attack
My powers are stronger there's no turning back

When you stand at the gates
Take control of your fate

Time is never on your side
Open your eyes to find whatever lies behind
When your candle starts to fade
Confess thy sins or you will forever burn

The path you've chosen will lead you straight
To my reign of damnation, just cross the last lake
The final chapter is written and done
I now have your soul, do you still think you've won?

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